
Company history

The history of Automess goes back almost 50 years

Our company history dates back to the late 1950s: Even back then, Dr. rer. Nat. Wilhelm Buttler dealt with radiation measures as part of his role at a company for fire brigade supplies. He would later become the leading co-founder of Automess, Automation und Messtechnik GmbH. During his time at the company for fire brigade supplies, Wilhelm Buttler developed, for example, the Teletector, a portable radiation meter that is known worldwide today.

The step towards self-employment occurred in 1968. One year later, in 1970, Dr. Wilhelm Buttler founded Automation und Messtechnik GmbH in Dossenheim near Heidelberg, Germany. However, new office space was quickly needed: some 8 years later, the company no longer needed to rent offices because Automess was able to purchase its own space: in 1978, the company relocated into its own premises in Ladenburg. We are still based there today.

Dr. Wilhelm Buttler passed away in 1995 after almost 40 years of dedicated work in the field of radiation protection measuring technology. He left behind a solid company that is still active in this field today with success worldwide. The only change is that we no longer offer or produce process data acquisition systems for refineries or other petrochemical plants What remains from this time is the “Automation” part in our company name.

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