The probes are used to detect surface contamination. When connected
to any 6150AD, the 6150AD automatically switches to the unit “pulses
per second”. All functions of the 6150AD are retained, with pulse
rate and pulse count taking the place of dose rate and dose. The
probes are powered by the 6150AD.
The display in pulses per second must be multiplied by a calibration
factor in order to convert it into an area-related activity
(Bq/cm²). The calibration factor depends on the radionuclide. The
nuclide must be known; nuclide determination is not possible with
the probes.
A probe cable is required to operate the 6150AD-17, which is not
included in the delivery. The 6150AD-k probe comes with a short
fixed cable. A probe cable is only required if the probe is to be
operated separately from the 6150AD.
Contamination detection probes 6150AD-17
The alpha beta gamma ray probe 6150AD-17 uses a
Geiger-Müller counter with a round end window as a
detector. With the protective cap attached, this probe can
be used as a general gamma detection probe. When the
protective cap is removed, the probe is sensitive to
alpha, beta and gamma radiation, thus allowing the
detection of surface contamination, including wipe tests.
Without a protective cap, the probe can also be used to
detect (not for quantitative measurement) low-energy
photon radiation down to a few keV.
- Analogue display range: 0,1 s-1 - 10 kS-1
- Digital display range: 0,01 s-1 - 9,99 kS-1
Contamination detection probes 6150AD-p
The 6150AD-p probe uses a Geiger-Müller end window counter
of the pancake type as a detector. When the protective cap
is removed, this probe is sensitive to alpha, beta and
gamma radiation, thus allowing the detection of surface
contamination, including wipe tests. Thanks to an energy
filter integrated in the protective cap, the probe can
also be used to detect photon radiation at low dose rates.
Even low energies (e.g. soft X-rays) down to a few keV are
- Digital display range: 0,01 s-1 - 20 kS-1
Contamination detection probes 6150AD-k
The 6150AD-k probe uses a closed proportional counter that
does not need to be purged with gas. Like the 6150AD-17
probe, it is sensitive to alpha, beta and gamma radiation
but makes it much easier to scan larger surfaces due to
its much larger sensitive area.
It also offers an electronic switch to the “Alpha”
operating mode, in which only alpha radiation is detected
and can be detected very sensitively because of the much
lower zero effect in this operating mode. A removable
discriminator plate (stainless steel, 1 mm) allows for
distinction between beta and gamma radiation. The handle
has a lockable joint and can be extended, e.g. for
conducting measurements on the ground while standing.
- Analogue display range: 0,1 s-1 - ca. 80 kS-1
- Digital display range: 0,01 s-1 - ca. 80 kS-1